Read the document: Politica di conferma e cancellazione prenotazioni
Via Statale 445
55030 Casone Carpinelli, Minucciano (LUCCA, PASSO DEI CARPINELLI)
TEL +39 0583 611066
FAX +39 0583 611043
GPS – LAT 44°12’7” LONG 10°13’37’
LAT 44° 12′ 7” – LONG 10°13’37”
You can reach the Hotel from northern Italy, from the A15 Parma-La Spezia motorway and exit at Aulla. Follow the S.R.63 road to Passo del Cerreto/Fivizzano and after about 8/9 km turn right for Lucca. Follow the S.R.445 road of Garfagnana . After 15 km you will reach our hotel. If you are coming from southern Italy , or prefer to exit at Lucca on the Firenze-Mare motorway, follow the directions for Castelnuovo Garfagnana, on the S.R.445 road. Carry on till Piazza al Serchio and after 10 km you will reach Passo dei Carpinelli.
TOM TOM Settings
Set “address navigation”
City: Minucciano
Street: Casone/Carpinelli.
With these settings you reach the center of the town, then:
If you are driving from Aulla you will pass in front of the hotel before getting to the center of the town (arrival point of your Tom Tom).
If you are driving from Lucca, get to the center of the town (arrival point of your Tom Tom) then go towards Aulla, drive for 500 meters more and you’ll reach the hotel.
Nearest train station is located in Piazza al Serchio (Km far from Albergo Belvedere).
For more informations please contact Trenitalia at
Nearest Taxi service is in Piazza al Serchio. You can call us to make a reservation.
Hotel Belvedere has an its own heliport. Reservation is needed for this service.
There are two options:
– helicopter 2 seats: 1 passenger + 1 pilot
– helicopter 4 seats: 3 passengers + 1 pilot
Pilots and helicopters are available for tours, excursions, and weddings with
transfer Hotel Belvedere – Pisa International Airport, or Hotel – Marina di Massa Cinquale Heliport.
TEL +39 0583 611066 - FAX +39 0583 611043
GPS – LAT 44°12’7” LONG 10°13’37’
P.IVA 01507360467